Sunday, March 20, 2011


I met Danielle one night driving a cab and dropped him off at work. We had a long conversation about friends and getting to know one another and talked about going out for a beer and playing pool. Sometimes we meet intersting people when we are working like Mundo and Edwardo. Its funny though they change over time with consistency and pattern. They all seem like they would like to get me fired from my taxi job.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to know if others who drive cab are having the same problem. I meet what I think are cool people who say they want to go out and have a beer and play pool, next thing I know they are asking me for money for sex? Whats up with this. Danielle now who uses Gus literally had me come pick him up and did not pay me for the ride on two occasions. Almost acting like he is posing for the interior camera. Telling me he wants to fool around. Strange stuff here man.
